Millonario compra isla privada para crear competencia al estilo de Hunger Games
A millionaire purchased to private island to create a game with features similar to Battle Royale , as in the hit movie The Hunger Games . In addition to the fact that the competitors will not lose their lives, the winner will receive a prize of more than 131 thousand dollars, that is, around 2.5 million pesos., a luxury goods market also known as the Amazon for millions , is helping the interested party to recruit an organizer for the event, which will take place next February.
According to the website, the ambition of the millionaire is to create a competition in which only one player remains standing.
Although they will not fight to the death in Hunger games , the contestants will be equipped with Airsoft weapons to shoot their opponents and will wear tactile armor so they know when they have been eliminated from the game.
It is planned that the event lasts three days and although the number of players is unknown, they would be competing for twelve consecutive hours, with the possibility of camping during the night.
The creator of the competition will have to make sure that all participants have enough ammunition and supplies for the combat, without forgetting that they must participate in a safe way. affirms that the facilities will have emergency services, doctors and health experts in case they are needed.
In addition to having experience in large-scale event design and set design, the creator of the competition will travel to the private island to assess the landscape and earn around $ 59,000 for six weeks of work.
Although it is unknown where the scenario for this controversial game is, Aaron Harpin, founder of, says that the millionaire is interested in creating it in the safest way possible.
“Battle Royale games have become incredibly popular in recent years (…) If the championship is a success this year, it is something that you want to continue as an annual event, which is very exciting”
Also, Harpin added that this is the opportunity for Battle Royale lovers to test their skills:
“If you’re a fan of movies and games of up to the last person, it will be a great opportunity to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience and earn a significant amount of money”
However, not everyone can participate, because players must have experience in camping and gotcha, since they will be equipped with Airsoft guns and sensitive armor.
With information from Milenio and Palabras Claras
Photo: Pixabay