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Las propuestas de AMLO que te ayudarán a liquidar tu crédito Infonavit

Las propuestas de AMLO que te ayudarán a liquidar tu crédito Infonavit


The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ), sent a letter  to the Board of Directors of the Institute of the National Fund for Housing for Workers ( Infonavit ).

In the letter proposes to promote structural changes within the body to regain its essence of ‘solidarity, service and social security of the State’.

“I sent a letter to the Council of Infonavit so that three proposals are considered: 1) Restructure the credits , it is paid and paid and it is not paid.” 2) There will be ” take away ” and a percentage is being defined. a worker paid a significant amount of his credit, his deed will be delivered to him 3) For no reason will the workers who have credit with the Infonavit be evicted from their departments and homes “[sic].

AMLO announced that during the day he will make public the letter sent to the institute directed by Carlos Martínez Velázquez .

He added that if the petition is approved, these measures will be applied to the Housing Fund of the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers ( Fovissste ), which grants mortgage financing to bureaucrats.

The Board of Directors is the highest authority in charge of the administration, permanence and growth of Infonavit and is made up of fifteen members, who meet once a month.

Said council informed that it will analyze the proposals that AMLO sent them.

In the case of the massive trials , the directors agreed to review those in which there are legal defects and, in any case, to give an opportunity to recover guarantees or regularize the loans.

They also pointed out that any decision of the Council must take care of the resources of the Institute that are owned by the workers, since they are not public fiscal resources.

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The Infonavit added that the program of conversion of credits in Veces Mínima Salarios (VSM) to pesos to date has benefited 26 thousand borrowers with discounts representing 5 billion pesos.

The members also recognized that both the president’s letter and the seriousness with which it was discussed are conclusive and incontrovertible evidence of the commitment of the Government of Mexico and the Infonavit to the legality and the rule of law.

With information from La Jornada and Expansión
Photo: lopezobrador.org.